The Night Which Becomes as Bright as Day

Rector’s Roundup for Holy Week, 2022

Parish Family-

We are about to enter the holiest moments of the Church Year. It is called the Triduum – the three sacred days. On Maundy Thursday, we will gather with Jesus in the Upper Room, where he washes our feet, bids us to love one another, and gives us that most wonderful gift of the Holy Eucharist. Throughout the night we will watch and pray before the Blessed Sacrament, staying awake with him in the Garden of Gethsemane, where he will be betrayed into the hands of sinners. On Good Friday, we will walk with him as he is flogged, as he carries his Cross, and as he breathes his last. And we will enter into that fearful silence of Holy Saturday, when the world holds its breath, wondering how it is that God-incarnate could die a true and horrible death.

But as the darkness gathers on that day, we will come yet again into the Church to celebrate the most important liturgy of all: The Great Vigil of Easter and the first Solemn High Mass of the Resurrection. It is in this liturgy that we first glimpse the light of the resurrected Christ and recount all his wonderful deeds throughout human history, from Creation to this very day. The Vigil thus becomes a link which transcends time and space, uniting us with Christ and the countless faithful who have come before us. The liturgy presents to us some incredible things:

  • It begins in the darkness, reminding us of the hopelessness of the tomb where Christ was buried

  • The Paschal Flame is kindled (in a fire pit!), bringing forth the light of the resurrection

  • The singing of the “Exsultet”: the overwhelmingly joyful song of redeemed humanity

  • Hearing the saving deeds of God throughout the Old Testament

  • The blessing of the baptismal waters & renewal of our Baptismal vows

  • The first “Alleluia” of the Easter season & the ringing of bells

  • The joyful celebration of the first Mass of the resurrection

The Triduum (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and the Easter Vigil) present to us one continuous liturgy; a comprehensive whole in which we are immersed in the most important moments in our Lord’s life. The manner in which we worship and participate in Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection are almost as ancient as the Gospel itself. A Spanish noblewoman named Egeria left a famous record of her experiences during Holy Week in Jerusalem in the 4th Century (you can read it here). What she describes is almost identical to what we will do at St Alban’s and what millions of Christians have done throughout the ages. That is an astounding thing to ponder, and an incredible mystery to enjoy.

As we prepare for the celebration of Easter, please join your church family for this incredible and most holy celebration of the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 16th at 8:00pm. All are invited to bring bells (cow bells, hand bells, jingle bells…!) to ring at the proclamation of the Alleluia which concludes the first part of the liturgy.

A full schedule for Holy Week is available HERE. Note especially the opportunities for confession which will be offered on Good Friday.

I look forward to celebrating the Feast of the Resurrection with all of you!

In the love of Christ and Our Lady,

Fr Joseph Francis SSC